I have wanted to try double weave since the day I purchased my loom. I even bought a double weave ebook from Interweave Press...
It took a while but I have finally warped the loom with some dark and light gray commercial whool. I wanted it to be a test run. Following the advice in the Interweave book I added a fishing line at the fold but that seemed to help me creating loops rather than avoid draw-in.
Considering that my edges rarely draw-in and that my usual shortcoming is the creation of loops I have removed the line and kept going.
I was still half way through when I received a commission and decided to remove early the experiment to complete my commission as quickly as possible.
The resulting fabric was only about 1 m long but I have been able to use some of it to make a sleeve to protect my boyfriend's computer.
The fabric at the fold is a bit tighter than the rest of the weave but not as bad as I feared.
II have now started a blanket using hadspun cream shetlan in the warp and hadspun alpaca in the weft. My loom is only 24" so I will weave a double lenght, cut it in half and hoin in the middle.
The green wood with the black clips is my version of a temple because I have -so far- been unable to find one that I could purchase at a reasonable price...